So I'm sitting in my office, playing Will.I.Am's "Yes. We. Can" music video over and over again because I'm a sucker for inspiration. I asked my co-worker who's similarly comparable to me in age if she was going to vote in the Maryland primaries next week. She said no. I chastised her across the hallway and she admittedly tuned me out.
Fast forward to 20 minutes later. To protect his privacy and whatnot, we'll call him "Dude." Another co-worker has this conversation with me verbatim:
Dude: Hey Tiffany... Osama Bin... oh crap. I keep messing up his name. OBAma. What nationality is he?
Me: (assuming he means race, and not nationality, since only AMERICANS can run for President. Of. The. United. States. Of. America.) Ummm... he's half black and half white.
Dude: Wow. When's the last time a black person was President?
::awkward silence::
Me: Dude, there's NEVER been a black President. That's why it's a big deal.
Dude: Wow. So there's a lotta history being made? Like, there could be a first woman President or a first black President?
Me: (disgusted with life) Yes.
Dude: But they're not like both on the same side, right? Like one one of them's a Republican or something, right?
Me: (attempting to step back from the ledge) They're both Democrats.
Dude: Oh, so it's not necessarily definitely history in the making. A Republican could win.
Me: (done) No, that's not exactly possible this time around.
And then another co-worker revealed to me yesterday that HE can't vote in the primary because he registered too late, so he's not eligible. He's 25. Just registered to vote.
I'm not quite sure why no one is realizing how important the MD/DC/VA primaries are on 2/12 after "Super" Tuesday proved to be pretty anti-climactic for the Democrats, but I hope everyone else cares at least enough to go out and let their opinions be heard. For those of you who have no opinions, write in Dave Chappelle.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
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