Sunday, February 1, 2009


...was not my first love.

...took me awhile to "get."

...has followed my personal taste and musical proclivities through more than half of my life. something my mother and I share other than DNA.

...made me a better musician.

...makes me prouder to be an American than I would be otherwise.

...has seen me through breakups, make-ups, and the deaths of my father and great-grandmother.

...took me to France and Switzerland as a performer.

Jazz might not be my first love, but it definitely has proven to be one of my most profound. I consider myself beyond lucky to be able to spend a weekend surrounded by some of the best jazz artists in this country-- watching my heart grow larger by the minute for an art form I haven't yet lived enough life to fully grasp.

These people allowed me into their lives this past weekend:

--Bonnie Brammlett

--Kevin Mahogany

--Cyrus Chestnut

--Al Jarreau

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blues are my absolute first love, but jazz is a close second. I've decided that it's not something that you can "get" but something that makes you feel good and smile. And that, in my book, is music.