Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Excellent customer service is our goal!"

I try not to talk about work anywhere but work. By work, I mean my day job. Mostly I don't talk about it because I'll sound clinically depressed or deranged or homicidal. By day, however, I enjoy my co-workers and try to find the humor in the small things. In short, I laugh to keep from crying.

This was too funny to not share, however. It's an addendum to an e-mail that I received from a sales rep. If you knew this person, you would understand in an instant that this was written without a hint of irony or sarcasm.

"Please note, client is demented and may not be able to express her comfort level accurately."

Occasionally, for a split second in time, I like my job... and it's because of exchanges like this one.

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