Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pleasant Surprises

...I was pleasantly surprised by quite a few things over the long weekend. In chronological order, they are as such:

1. Someone gave something back that didn't belong to them: The poltergeist in my house that has been stealing my stuff returned my favorite mascara on Friday when I got home from work. Granted, it returned it to the spare bathroom that I never use so it can't even depend on my assuming that I just misplaced it. I know you exist, you stuff-stealing poltergeist!

2. I saved a whopping $3.50 on beauty products: I had a EUREKA! moment on the way home. I never get manicures (much to my mother's chagrin) because they don't last that long since I abuse my hands on the piano at least 15 hours a week for rehearsal. I got one a few weeks back for a black tie I was attending. My nails then deteriorated into this awful state of half-crimson-enamaled for weeks because I couldn't find my nail polish remover. I tore my bathroom apart. I knew I had some last summer for the last time that I was on stage, but for the life of me couldn't find it when I actually needed it. I was being cheap and stubborn and refused to buy knew stuff when I knew I had nail polish remover sitting someplace, mocking me, ready to be used that once time a year when I actually needed it. And then, as I was driving home, the heavens opened and revealed to me that the nail polish remover had been sitting in a box (a BOX! not a bottle... no wonder I couldn't find them) in my bathroom drawer that I open every morning... going unidentified because I bought those nail polish remover wipes that you can use once for all ten fingers and then throw away. Elated, I removed my nail polish as soon as I got home... spared from looking like a spaz for the rest of the weekend.

3. Some things never change. As I posted earlier, I went out with some old college friends to see a mutual friend's band. It was seriously quite an amazing reunion. Old friends and new, expected and unexpected. Everyone was so happy to see each other. And even though the tickets were $14, the drafts were only $3.50 and there was a Smirnoff brand rep walking around giving away free shooters for the hour and a half that we were there. But all in all, seeing old friends lifted my spirits and the night was (mostly) just as it should've been.

4. Just like Monopoly: Because I was running late getting into the city (between applying my new found mascara and removing my spaz-tastic nail polish), I wound up driving into Federal Hill, contrary to my plans. Refusing to drive around, wasting gas, for an hour looking for parking (not like I had the time to do that), I decided to bite the bullet and park in the garage. When it came time to leave, I put my ticket into the payment kiosk, and the parking was free! All of that yacking and moaning and the City of Baltimore let me park in a bustling metropolitan area for free for a few hours.

5. Old traditions with new friends: I still remember all the words to Moulin Rouge.... and I found a friend who will sing along with me.

6. Some things will always make me melt: I still haven't found a flavor at Pitango that I don't like. You should go and try to find one that doesn't make your mouth water, too.

7. Luckily some families are even more dysfunctional than mine: We onDemanded The Savages on Sunday... both having wanted to see it since it came out in the theatres. First of all, I think whomever does the opening credits for all Fox Searchlight films just goes out of their way to be obtuse. Laura Linney (as always), however, made my heart sing... especially when she called herself a "theater person" when the Nigerian man asked her what she did for a living.

Here's to all of the other "theater people" out there... who have no other words to define themselves.

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