Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Night Exploits

One of my dear friends from college (whom I don't see nearly enough) has an awesome band. They're playing tonight at The 8 X 10 in Federal Hill. If you have nothing to do tonight, are in Baltimore, and for some reason are reading my cute little attempt at a blog, you should definitely come out and see them.

Fed Hill definitely used to be one my dream neighborhoods. I used to go with a little more frequency immediately after I became legal to hit up places like dog-friendly flavored beer brew pub Thirsty Dog and chic martini pad Sky Lounge. As I get older and less tolerant of life's minor annoyances, however, the parking (or lack thereof) has really hindered my ability to even attempt to enjoy Federal Hill. It's sometimes hard for me to believe I actually used to daydream about living there. It also doesn't help that people are, apparently, getting the shank for being good citizens in the neighborhood.

So for tonight, to see some college friends and hear some good music, I'll probably park at my beloved's house and take a $7 cab ride to Federal Hill to avoid the grief.

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