Monday, December 22, 2008

Spectacular, Spectacular!

A few years back, I got the express honor to perform in Baltimore Symphony's first Holiday Spectacular alongside Robert Goulet and Shirley Jones-- you know, that guy Will Ferrell so hilariously parodied on SNL and Mrs. Partridge. I have stories that I will keep with me for the rest of my life.... especially about Goulet. I don't mean to talk about the dead, but the man was a character.

See for yourself: Will Ferrell's completely accurate portrayal.

At any rate, the show, while memorable was nothing short of a disaster for many reasons. For the past four years, however, the BSO has drastically changed the format of their Holiday Spectacular. It has become a tradition for us to go every year, and it never fails to disappoint. This year's celebration was headlined by Sandi Patty which was a repeat from 2006. She was a fantastic choice. She has a powerhouse voice and a sincere-but-commanding stage presence. Sandi was joined by the Baltimore Symphony, dancers from the Baltimore School for the Arts, and some of Baltimore's best theatrical performers (with many a familiar face in the bunch).

In a divergence from years past, however, the BSO also invited the African Children's Choir to join them in the festivities. The African Children's Choir auditions children from Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Kenya, and South Africa. The children stay in the choir for a year, touring all over the world spreading their mission and cheer, and then return to their homes with the money they've raised from their touring year to fund their education. Many of them are orphaned and all of them are underprivileged. You would never know, though. They were fantastic-- upbeat, smiling, and the cutest things ever. In fact, I leaned over many a time during the concert and whispered ignorantly to the Maestro that I wanted an African choir child for Christmas.

They definitely added to the spectacle that was this year's BSO Holiday Spectacular. This show remains one of my favorite Baltimore Christmas mainstays year after year. If you're looking for a cause to support in your holiday giving, allow me to suggest supporting the African Children's Choir-- especially if you feel remotely convicted about children, Africa, or music. It seems like a wonderful program, and it definitely added a little light to my Christmas.

Check out these darling little artists from Africa, and consider supporting them by donating or sponsoring a child.