Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wino Wednesday [the "prodigal daughter returns" edition]

I know it's been a long time and it seems as if I've abandoned my loyal readership. It was nice getting e-mails from lots of you making sure everything was okay. I knew it had been too long however when my MOTHER of all people said,
"You don't blog anymore. I know I start projects and don't finish them a lot, but I expected you to have more sticktoitiveness."

Wow. Mama Downbeats but Little Downbeats in her bloggy place, didn't she?

The short explanation is that I had a historically awful November. I would start to write things, and everything I would write would permeate with strong undertones of I have no life. I have no friends. I'm a horrible musician. I'm a horrible employee. I'm going to die alone. I didn't want to subject anyone else to my deep dark place of self deprecation, so I'd delete the posts and fade back into obscurity.

But I've missed bloggy life. I've missed the interfacing with all of the wonderful people I've met by opening a small window to my life. I've missed having the time to read about what's going on with all of you. But maybe being a better blogger can be my New Years resolution (even though I don't believe in New Years resolutions). How about I make it a Week-Before-Christmas resolution? Are you all still with me?

And in response to any questions that might be raised from my statements two paragraphs ago: I'm fine. I'm happy. The Maestro and I are doing well. Troy is still the best BFF a girl could ask for. In fact, most of my friendships remain intact to this day. I actually happen to be a good musician, and that sentiment was affirmed this past weekend. I have theatrical work lined up for months. The day job is fine. It has slowed down a little bit, but I still love all of the people that I work with. Maybe it's because we didn't see much sunshine in November, but I'm back to my little upbeat Downbeat self.


So now on to the libation of the week.

Wherein I pretend to know something about wine to justify my affinity for all things alcoholic

A dear friend of mine works at this awesome wine bar and restaurant called Ironbridge in Columbia. A few weeks back, they had a holiday wine tasting and I had a Saturday free. I bought a lovely bottle of ice wine for my madre and the most deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious bottle of Cabernet.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Step Road's Black Wing Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine tastes like the Australian outback from which it comes. It's bold and heavy on the minerals. You can taste hints of plum and dark chocolate (and might I add that it would go well with both). Visit their website and read all about their conservation efforts. It will make the wine taste that much better knowing that you're drinking wine made by people who care about the Earth that's giving them such a yummy gift.

I took a bottle over to O's as a hostess gift a couple of weeks ago when she had my mother and I over for dinner. It was a perfect compliment to honey-encrusted chicken breast and roasted sweet potatos.

Mama Downbeats loved it so much that she went back to Ironbridge and bought them out of the rest of their supply. Apparently, this Cabernet also goes well with painting my dining room and listening to Christmas carols. More on that later. I promise.


Miss Thystle said...

It's so good to see you back!

Abi said...

Yay! I missed your blogs too! I'm trying to blog a little more - feel free to check it out anytime. Sorry I missed you in Bmore, it was a hectic weekend. Hopefully there will be less hectic ones up there in the future. miss ya lots!

kristin said...

yay, you're back! Whoa, and you almost set a record! Like a 6 week hiatus!

Elizabeth said...

Welcome back! Thank goodness for mothers to keep us on task!