Friday, January 16, 2009

I bit the bullet!

When I started this blog, my intention to be semi-anonymous was never rooted in an attempt to hide it from people in real life. Nor was I trying to keep my face off the web so that I could bear my deepest darkest secrets. While there are some blogs that I love to read because over-share and impassioned commentary are their specialties, it's never quite been my style. My sole objective when keeping my legal name off of this site and instead going by my musical theatre nickname was to keep this from being the first thing potential employers saw when they Googled my name. Not that I have anything to hide, it's just that it's none of their business. I am also convinced that one day, the Maestro will be elected Mayor of Baltimore, and I don't want the press to use any of this against him. That being said, my mother reads this blog. The Maestro reads as well, and I have it posted somewhere on my Facebook profile. Not only do I not mind when people I know in real life check out Random Musings-- I get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

This should not be seen in anyway as discounting the friends I've made and lives I've been welcomed into on the internet solely by networking with other people from all over who, like me, are addicted to the blogosphere. I do, however, wish that I had more of an interface on the internet side of the world with people I've known in real life first. I can count on my fingers the number of real life friends with whom I'm connected on Twitter. The same goes for blogs in my reader. I don't by any means expect everyone on the planet to keep a blog-- I barely can. But I definitely wish that more real people were on Twitter. For jeeps' sake, I found out about yesterday's Hudson River crash before anyone else I know.

So yesterday I got inspired when I saw the Twitter handle and blog URL in the signature of an e-mail I received from a member of the cast on my current project. Why shouldn't I put myself out there? If I want to interact with people I know in real life online, I should advertise my existence, no? So I just changed my e-mail signature on my personal account to reflect my online persona. I'm betting I'll be surprised at how many people I know are out there lurking on the internets in varying states of anonymity, too. At least that's my hope. I'll let you all know how it goes.

AND! Don't think I don't check my stats on Feedburner. I know there are some Baltimore lurkers out there. Let me know that you've stopped by every now and then. It'll make me straight up giddy, I promise you.


rachaelgking said...

While there are some blogs that I love to read because over-share ... are their specialties...

Thank the baby Jeebus for that. ;-)

E.Rae said...

I got a random email from a friend the other day telling me he had stumbled upon my blog when looking something up on the internet. My first question was "Was it that obvious that the blog belonged to me?" I thought I'd kept it very anonymous (for work reasons) His response was he would "recognise those blue eyes anywhere!" I AM MORTIFIED that someone I know has read my blog!
Sorry I've not dropped in of late. I promise to try harder!

Anonymous said...

I've decided I'm "internet shy" - I blog, I tweet, and I'm in a few on-line communities but I don't go out to actively seek new people. I do use a nickname - and my legal name is on my blog, but for copyright reasons.