Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Better late than never, right?

Remember that time when I finally wrote my 100th post and then took an unscheduled blog hiatus? Well, I promised you all something special and I never delivered. Well, I'm a fan of the old "better late than never" adage. I'm also a firm believer in being able to judge someone's character by what they read. So instead of doing another meme or telling you 100 things about myself (I'm not even sure if I can think of 25 things about myself at this point in the week), I'm going to give you some insight into who I am by way of what I read with an annotated blog roll. Once it removes itself from the front page, I'll link to it on the side bar for easy reference.

In addition, even when posting here is light, I'm always reading and tweeting. Please feel free to add my Shared Items to your feed reader of choice, and add me as a Twitter friend. And if you share items in Google Reader also, shoot me an e-mail at downbeatblog AT gmail DOT com and we can hook up through Google to swap interesting blog posts. So without further ado, I invite you to...

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