Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Official!

I always feel like my plans for time off are up in the air until my travel arrangements fall into place and my time off gets approved. Well, my friends, both of those just happened for my next exodus from Charm City. In a few weeks, I will be here watching this man serenade me with songs like this:

It's been awhile since Mama Downbeats and I have gone away, so we're taking a long weekend in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. One of my favorite things about blogging is being able to share my travels with people from all over. If you're new to Downbeats' little space on the interwebs, you may not know that I get around a lot. See here, here, here, here, here, here... to read just a few posts in my archives about my travels. I'm looking forward to sharing that time with you all in a few weeks.

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