Thursday, September 11, 2008

iPhone Flick

I've been a negligent blogger because I've been teaching these
delinquents how to sing in a straight line. Wino Wednesday should be
back next week if I haven't pulled my hair out by then.


Anonymous said...

hahah good luck, girl!

E.Rae said...

he he, is singing in a straight line harder? I remember trying to get a group of men to walk four steps forward and four steps back, in time while singing. DISASTER!

L.C.T. said...

Surely they should be singing in tune instead of in a straight line...? ;)

Downbeat said...

@jamie: thanks bunches!
@music monkey: getting into the straight line while singing is proving itself to be difficult.
@l.c.t.: my goal is to get them to do both. they're doing pretty well at singing in tune. now we're pushing for the straight line. baby steps, I tell you. ;-)

M360 said...

start walking around with a sturdy ruler under your arm... and when the delinquents give trouble... whip it out and smack em on the forehead with it! they'll straighten up pretty quickly

Lorrie Veasey said...

is that straight line a
Because everything was beautiful at the ballet.......

Anonymous said...

quite the fan of wino wednesdays : )

Downbeat said...

@mental: I might lose my job, otherwise that'd be my new tactic.
@Lorrie: yes, it indeed is A Chorus Line. I'm super excited and super stressed all at the same time.
@girlecstatic: thanks bunches! I'm a day late, but Wino Wednesday is back!