Friday, August 29, 2008

My plea to whomever controls the campus budget for next year

I would make a horrible visual artist. I don't find beauty in many random things. As a result, sometimes I confuse exterior art installations for, well, mistakes. Can someone please tell me if these random bricks lying outside of the theatre are someone's college art project?

And furthermore, can someone explain to me why the powers that be at the institute of higher learning where our theatre is housed decided to lay a random amoeba of concrete in the ground surrounded by a moat of decorative stones?

At least they've placed these beautiful/humongous planters outside of the lobby to try to take away from all of the other randomness that is occuring as one approaches the building.

If the college has money to throw around on random patches of "decorative" cement as it appears they do, I would encourage them to throw a little money my way for a brand new freakin' sound system, please and thank you. Just a suggestion.

In other news, I'll be MIA over the Labor Day weekend. Another friend of mine is getting married. Fifth and final of the summer, thank goodness. A wedding recap will undoubtedly be up some time next week because I know you all are quivering in your boots, eagerly anticipating pictures of me and the Maestro cutting up a rug as grandma jumps up and down to hip hop.

Have a happy and healthy Labor Day weekend!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I initially went to college for Graphic Design and never could fall into the, "What does this painting make you feel? What do you think this person was feeling when they painted the portrait?" UH, I don't know!! They like a lot of bright colors? Jeez. The bricks and odd cement stone thing is total crap, but unfortuantely someone SOMEWHERE thought it was artistic. Probably the same people who would buy a painting by an elephant. :D

kristin said...

Are you going for a wedding record? Wow, 5 in a summer sounds like it could either be fun or torture.

Sarah Louise said...

This isn't really quite the same thing...but my school feels like they need to replace the leather furniture in the library every year! I feel like they could really find a better way to use the money...Oh well.

But you're right...those bricks and the amoeba of concrete are rather odd.

Have a great weekend!

E.Rae said...

OK I might be a weirdo but the second picture (the amoeba one) looks like a giant ovary.
I know...I'm a weirdo!

Jenny said...

Um, If they weren't going to give the "outdoor interactive installation" a real chance - some more grass would have really been better. What is that anyway? Chunks of 3D pie chart? And what does that have to do with performances? {confused}

Anonymous said...

LOL. That random arrangement of stones and cement is strange. The colored blocks I can kind of understand.

Anywho. This is how I feel about the money my college spends on ridiculous things like an overabundance of flowers and 10 ft. statues of our unofficial mascot. Ridiculous.

I'd like a iMac, a new wardrobe, and a car, Emory. Thanks.