Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wino Wednesdays

Wherein I pretend to know something about wine to justify my affinity for all things alcoholic

I'm taking my first foray away from wine with this third installment of Wino Wednesday. I'm kind of better at beer anyway. Speaking of beer, I must thank everyone for their input on prospective names for my custom brew! I made a decision, and I did indeed use one of your suggestions. Everyone will find out what it was when I get the beer.

I had a few really bad beers early on in college. Then I was blessed with a few super-knowledgeable friends who specialize in beer snobbery. They introduced me to craft beers. My life hasn't been the same since I started imbibing good beer. It can be local, domestic, or international... if it's crafted well, I'm all about it.

I first tried Young's Double Chocolate Stout at Slainte (my Wednesday night ritual) a few years ago. Some people don't like Guinness, but I think that stouts are the riches of heaven in a glass. Young's Double Chocolate Stout is all the better because a couple of gallons of chocolate are pumped into it. A friend of mine who brews his on beer told me that the "Double" meens that chocolate is added to the beer in two separate processes. All I know is that it means that the beer is double the delicious!

Since it's from an English brew house, I thought that would mean that it would be harder to find. They carrier it in Slainte Irish Pub and Kooper's Tavern in Baltimore, and they serve 12 ounce cans of the stuff in plenty of liquor stores in the area. Keep a look out and enjoy a frosty, chocolatey treat.


Daszzle said...

Leaving us in suspense eh? Tsk tsk tsk ;)

Anonymous said...

Not a beer fan though I took a trip a couple of years ago and I had to drive through Wheeling Va, stopped at a brewery there and had the most spectacular tasting beer ever. Wish I could have that experience more than once.

That's a pretty bottle though.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate beer is just too much for me. I'm such a wuss when it comes to the heavier stuff.

E.Rae said...

Beer always looks such a refreshing drink. As does coffee. Unfortunately I can't stand either!
Good old rum and coke!